Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Chair Play

At first it seemed like I was never going to be done with collecting the note cards. It is really interesting how every single step is shown throughout the tutorial. I am not a computer graphics kind of person but I learned how to build a chair using the Second Life creation tutorials. I was able to rotate, stretch, position, and color every thing about the chair I wanted to create.

Something unfortunate about all of the note cards is that they were way too in depth for me to be able to use all of them. I was only able to pick out some of the main cards I thought I might need and then play the rest by ear because the Edit toolbar was really self-explanatory

I designed my chair to be abstract and colorful, but the main thing I wanted to do with my chair is make it look like it defied gravity; to make a round object balancing on a single point. This sort of chair would never be likely in real life, but on SL, anything is possible. Weight distribution is something that I didn't have to deal with while building.

Also, in real life, no one would be able to climb up in the chair because it is way too tall for a non-rock climber to sit in. I placed the chair on a random hillside; but once you sit in it, you have a great view from there; the ocean, beach houses, and a beautiful sunset. Who wouldn't want to sit there.

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