Sunday, September 9, 2007

Culture Converging? Oh My!

I remember when my dad bought our first computer. This was way before the mouse was associated with a computer. Using F1, 2, 3, 4, and so on, we navigated our way through the two or three programs that our MS DOS computer had. We knew nothing of the world wide web and the capabilities we would have from sitting in our favorite chair. I sure as heck didn't think I'd be asking my first girlfriend to go steady with me without even leaving my house.

There are so many different ways that technology is advancing; through new "black boxes" which are making every task in our lives easier. Instead of going to the post office, I send an email. Whenever I pay a bill, I do it online. Whenever I have a question, I actually answer it using my phone for Wikipedia. All this is made possible through my black boxes; they are everywhere and they do it all for us.

Usually I consider myself what Jenkins calls "Zappers." I have no sympathy for media, everything I see or do has to hold my attention perfectly or else I will "zap" it. When it comes to surfing online I don't go to certain websites, I click on anything and everything that catches my eye. And I think that the reason why media is converging. Every producer is thinking of new ways to get right in front of the consumer. Technology is there for that.

How easy is it for us to stay in our comfort zones while still being connected to the world. People need interaction with others as a way to stay sane. When I said I asked my first girlfriend to go steady with me I used the peer to peer network AOL Instant Messenger. I didn't stutter and my words were perfectly chosen. I was able to put so much of myself out there without risking to get hurt because it was easier not being in front of that person. The internet does not discriminate on distances between.

The thing that bothers me about media converging is that it may affect the responsibility that people have; to be outgoing and not waiting for things to come to them. But I think that is actually the problem. Deep down we all want the world to come to us and I think that media convergence is exacerbating this. Where is our assertiveness? I think the only thing wrong with the convergence is it is making us lazy, but isn't that the point? To not have to do anything and still have it all?

1 comment:

GRLucas said...

Some good, personal accounts of your relationship to new media. Your final ¶ confuses me a bit, however. It could use some concrete examples to clarify.